
Wednesday, 3 February 2016

Scratch Computer Programming: Lesson 3

Unfortunately as I have been spending a lot of time preparing for my Parent Teacher Meetings this week, our coding lesson was short and sweet!

So far they have learned all about what coding is and how to create their first short story.

This week we learned how to create a simple music video. We began by discussing what they had learned last week and something that 'stuck with them' from the lesson.

They then went on to complete this week's 'Dancing Character' challenge.

Here is the PowerPoint I used in the lesson:


You can download the PowerPoint here and you can find the dance tutorial here.

This lesson was their first experience of incorporating two 'blocks' of script into their program that would run simultaneously when they clicked the flag. Most of them found this quite simple and needed very little further direction from me during the lesson.

Don't forget to check out Lesson 1 and Lesson 2 if you haven't already, and best of luck with lesson 3!

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